What's happening on december the second ? A huge event ! One on these that happen only once a month max ! And the last one of year 2012...
It makes think a lot - Yeah too much too deep in fact. Stop right now. - so well.
What can I tell about this poster ? Hard to say, but for now, this is the main tactic to drain people as you in events- I'm not looking for trouble. But TAM TAMTAMTAM, this one opens a new era ! We have now a new and wonderfull weapon which will impress and interest people beyond Romania's borders. Do you know what(who) is it(...)? It's a bit tall, yellow, girlish and german... Eighteen years ago, during the 20th century, some people had the good idea to call it (her) TAM TAMTAMTAM : Helene.
Too beautiful to be real ? Well, come on december the second, you could see her in blood and bones. Romantic you thought french men were : you can't imagine how much you were right ! Didn't I just attest it ?

They printed it ! Ah yeah ? You recognize some kind of wallpaper on this poster. You must be confused, there's no link between it and this blog, not one bit. And you know what ? What did I already say ? Stop thinking right now. Farewell.
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