Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Christmas Bazar in a school ! What could be more strange ? Oh ! I found : Making a film about it with a french accent.

It's a book we found telling a boy's story in which the called boy discovered he was all alone on a webpage. Indeed, he was lost. To himself and to the world ! But YOU, reading this sentence believe me : when you really don't know where are the others, It's impossible to evaluate how fare you are from them, and so, yes so, where is yourself. Actually, this is what happened to this pretty young boy who tried to find his bodies on this webpage. Thereby he went to this precise left border's webpage you still can see - on your left, and desesperate, felt into nothing, digest by the invisible spider.

But, tonight something came from the darkweb, one of this boy's artefact, a video dated from last saturday. To the one who can see I write this story ; to the one who can hear please the one who can see read this story to the one who can hear ; to the one who can act please do the same you who can see.


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