Monday, 30 March 2015

Bratelorurile and office reshapement 

In Germany we use the term “Aprilwetter” in order to express temperamental weather with all stages within a few hours: sunshine followed by clouds and wind with a big finale of rain and back to sunshine. Apparently April is known for these frequent changes, making proper weather proof dressing impossible and forcing you to be super-fast on your bike as another cloudy rain might be waiting for you at the next corner.
When the beautiful oameni of Brasov were celebrating the international women’s day flowers seemed to be thrown around all over Piata Sfatului. The air smelled of spring and you could almost hear the birds twittering. 

Since then, it snowed twice. It’s a day of April stretched over a whole month. And I am sick of it.
Sun. Now. Please. 

Although I cannot complain about the weather last Friday, it is quite annoying to be forced to postpone the outdoor event again for another three weeks, as the weather forecast announced snow for this Friday. So please have some patience with us and prepare yourself: winter is coming

However the weather did not stop us from celebrating the martisor tradition and we decided to have a Sezatoare Urbana to tie some red-white bracelets. They turned out beautifully.
If you read our blog regularly you learned that coming up with ideas is not easy. And when Inside Ride asked me if I would like to join them to Intorsura to teach the youngsters the knotting technique I was happy to help. Sharing is caring, sti? 

While I was in Intorsura my project mates were running Sezatoare Urbana #12. Getting inspired by Argatu and our Mirakolix logo the office walls got a nice touch of colour.

Si gata. (as you can already conclude from the title, my Romanian dramatically improved throughout the last weeks! Having lessons in the bath room is the key to fluent and decent romenglish).


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